Fabrica of Culture
“Fabrica” has a big exhibition space, where a permanent exhibition with a thematic approach of the region is hosted, through a dynamic and interactive presentation.
Moreover, there is a modern multi-purpose space to support various cultural events of the region (periodical exhibitions, conferences, seminars, screening of films and documentaries, musical events, small theatrical performances, etc.). “Fabrica”, also provides an open area for hosting various types of social and artistic outdoor events, utilizing the amphitheatrical space conformation, as well as spaces for reception and recreation.
In addition, a digital repository has been developed to collect, manage, distribute and highlight the digital cultural evidence of the collections of Fabrica and then to provide the information to the interested parties on the Internet. Moreover, it is used for educational purposes in various groups for learners, using the appropriate educational tools that have been developed and installed. “Fabrica of Culture” is the central gateway to the history and cultural heritage of both Tsakonia and the wider region of Eastern Peloponnese, and it seeks to be a unique and important place for education and culture, as well as the documentation center of Tsakonia.