Mari is located 35 km from Leonidio and its residents are mainly engaged in livestock farming. During the winter most of the residents are moving to Laconia. The village is famous for its abundant greenery and many waters.
The village retains the name of the ancient settlement that was built on Kastelia hill. Mari village is one of the oldest villages of Notia Kinouria and the “ancient Marios” of Pausanias. The area has been inhabited since the 3rd-4th century BC and it is said that it was also a healing center of Asklepieion, since the main characteristic of the area are abundant waters.
At the south of the village you will come across the ruins of the ancient Acropolis while nowadays residents are descendants of “ancient Marios” that belonged to the Eleftherolakonian community.
Back those times Mari had a very strategic position since it was on the cross road from Laconia to Arcadia and Argolida.
Marie, endowed with its rich waters, fertile estates and surrounding mountains, had orchards and estates, herds and shepherds that employed and nourished its inhabitants. There were also many mills, water mills and an olive mill that brought many visitors from the surrounding villages.